Brussels, September 20th, 2024
On September 18th and 19th 2024, Prof. Dr. Christiane Prange, Research Director of the Europe-Asia Center, took part in the Sino-German Economic Conference held in Stuttgart, Germany.
Featuring a number of high-ranking representatives from business, academia, and politics from Germany, China, and beyond, the Conference has been held annually since 2014, and has this year, focused on "Overcoming global challenges together."

Some of the main insights included:
It is necessary to increase the number of German Chinese learners as only a deeper understanding of language and culture can help mutual understanding
Collaboration should be increased rather than reduced, and labels, such as de-risking or systemic rival are not particularly useful in creating trust
Europe, and particularly Germany, can and should learn from the transformation of business models
China's speed and agility poses a challenge to Western firms. European firms will have to complement their existing business approaches (traditionalism and conservativeness) by adequate approaches to meet these challenges
China should be seen as THE innovation system today and companies are well advised to learn from China innovation
Current global challenges (climate change) can only be solved in collaboration.

Prof. Dr. Christiane Prange, Director for Research at the Europe-Asia Center, highlighted: "The Sino-German Economic Conference was an enlightening experience, showcasing a shared commitment to a future of cooperation, togetherness, and sustainable innovation. It was inspiring to witness diverse perspectives converge on the need for collaboration to overcome global challenges and build a more interconnected world."
For press enquiries:
Jonathan Schwestka, Deputy Director for Europe, Europe – Asia Center